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Publication title with image of a mayfly
Enhanced source-water monitoring for New York City: historical framework, political context, and project design
Blaine, J.G., B.W. Sweeney, and D.B. Arscott. 2006. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25(4):851–866.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Enhanced source-water monitoring for New York City: summary and perspective
Sweeney, B.W., D.B. Arscott, C.L. Dow, J.G. Blaine, A.K. Aufdenkampe, T.L. Bott, J.K. Jackson, L.A. Kaplan, and J.D. Newbold. 2006. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25(4):1062–1067.
Director Bern Sweeney Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Director Bern Sweeney Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Sweeney was presented the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation for his outstanding contribution to the environmental field.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Ecosystem metabolism in Piedmont streams: reach geomorphology modulates the influence of riparian vegetation
Bott, T.L., J.D. Newbold, and D.B. Arscott. 2006. Ecosystems 9:398–421.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Biodegradable dissolved organic matter in a temperate and a tropical stream determined from ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry
Kim, S., L.A. Kaplan, and P.G. Hatcher. 2006. Limnology and Oceanography 51:1054–1063.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Long-term studies of aquatic invertebrates: frequency, duration, and ecological significance
Jackson, J.K., and L. Füreder. 2006. Freshwater Biology 51(3):591–603.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Measuring watershed health: training conservation planners how to use biophysical tools for monitoring streams in neo-tropical ecosystems
Sweeney, B.W., et al. 2006. Moore Foundation Peru Project Final Report. Stroud Water Research Center, Avondale, Pennsylvania.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Recurring seasonal dynamics of microbial communities in stream habitats
Hullar, M. A. J., L. A. Kaplan, and D. A. Stahl. 2006. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72:713–722.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Atlantic coast rivers of the northeastern United States
Jackson, J.K., A.D. Huryn, D.L. Strayer, D.L. Courtemanch, and B.W. Sweeney. 2005. Pages 21-71 in A.C. Benke and C.E. Cushing (editors). Rivers of North America. Academic Press, San Diego, California.
A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.
UpStream Newsletter, Fall 2005
The rivers of South America’s Amazon basin are “breathing” far harder — cycling the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide more quickly — than anyone realized.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Deposition, benthic residence, and resuspension of fine organic particles in a mountain stream
Newbold, J.D., S.A. Thomas, G.W. Minshall, C.E. Cushing, and T. Georgian. 2005. Limnology and Oceanography 50:1571–1580.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Synthesis of 13C-labeled tracer for stream DOC: labeling tulip poplar carbon with 13CO2
Wiegner, T.N., L.A. Kaplan, J.D. Newbold, and P.H. Ostrom. 2005. Ecosystems 8:501–511.