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“Muddy Boots Fund” Created to Benefit Boy Scouts and Stroud Center

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As a result of a generous gift from brothers Greg, Barry, Keith, and Ray Bentley, the Chester County Council Boy Scouts of America and the Stroud Center are expanding their partnership to offer additional outdoor and environmental STEM programs.

Stroud Science on NPR: Road Salt Boosts Safety But Threatens Fresh Water

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When StateImpact Pennsylvania wanted to understand how our addiction to road salt is impacting the environment, they came to Stroud Water Research Center.

Meet Marc Peipoch, New Principal Investigator

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Peipoch’s goal is to lead a productive, inclusive, and interdisciplinary research team: “In its very nature, the discipline of ecosystem ecology is a nexus for multiple perspectives and areas of expertise, which when put together can really tell us how ecosystems work and respond.”

Education Programs Get a Boost From BB&T

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BB&T’s continued support has helped us teach thousands of public school students in grades 4 and up about the importance of freshwater stewardship.

Would You Drink the Water?

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Stroud Water Research Center collaborated with senior students in the horticulture program at the Williamson College of the Trades on their 2018 Philadelphia Flower Show exhibit entitled “Would You Drink the Water?”

Rodale Institute, Stroud Water Research Center, Announce Innovative Partnership to Curb Ag Runoff Across 4 States

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Supported with a nearly $6 million grant from the William Penn Foundation, the partners begin a new 6-year project to connect farming to cleaner drinking water in the Delaware River Watershed.

A fence keeps cows away from the stream.

“We’ve All Got to Be Good Neighbors”

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Barclay Hoopes’ family has been farming in Landenberg, Pennsylvania, since 1854. He knows how he treats his land affects thousands of people downstream — it sits at the headwaters of White Clay Creek, which makes its way into Delaware and provides drinking water to more than 100,000 people.

Explore “Wonders of Water” With Us at Philly Flower Show

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Visit two exhibits featuring our research, education, and watershed restoration or hear us speak at the Water Summit!

Get Your Boots Wet With Our Education Training Events

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Stroud Water Research Center is pleased to announce the expansion of watershed education professional development and training events.

Graphs showing conductivity trends in streams in winter and summer

EnviroDIY Sensors Track Road Salt Levels in Streams

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During thaws and rain events, road salt is carried into streams where it can have chronic and sometimes acute effects on biological communities.