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Matt Ehrhart with Penn State’s Dean of College of Agriculture Richard Roush and Sen. Elder Vogel Jr.

Ehrhart Re-Elected as Penn State Agricultural Council President

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Matt Ehrhart took on a new and substantial responsibility last year when his peers elected him president of the Penn State Agricultural Council.

Susan Gill, Tara Muenz, and Libby Gregg.

Education Department Highlights: Hello, Congratulations, and Goodbye

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Stroud Center announces the retirement of Susan Gill, the appointment of new education director Steven Kerlin and the promotion of Tara Muenz to assistant director of education.

 Bern Sweeney presents Alexandra Cousteau with the 2015 Stroud Award for Freshwater Excellence.

Alexandra Cousteau: Freshwater Issues the Greatest Crisis of Our Time

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“When we ask, do we have enough water when we need it and where we need it, and is the water quality good enough for our children to swim in, drink from and fish in, too often that answer is no,” says Alexandra Cousteau.

Stroud Center scientists sample White Clay Creek at flood stage

Stream-Monitoring Technology Saves Time and Keeps Scientists Safe

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An acoustic Doppler current profiler lets our scientists stay safe and dry while taking crucial streamflow measurements during flood conditions.

Bhutan Tiger’s Nest Monastery by Timothy Neesam

Pouring Water Quality into Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness Index

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“Holy cow, how do people get up to that place? I might need a helicopter to lower me down on a cable.” Bernard W. Sweeney, Ph.D., director of Stroud Water…

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Stroud Center in the News, October 2015

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Creating watershed ambassadors, The Exchange, Millersville University Nature Abounds working with Carnegie Mellon University on citizen science grant, Gant Daily, Clearfield County, Pa. A fundraising party for young adults at…

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Fall 2015 Events Recap

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Moonlit Stream StrollStroud Center kicked off the busy fall season with a Moonlit Stream Stroll on Friday, September 25. Trish Scott and Anne Stroud, who generously sponsored this event, were…

Matt Wilson wearing waders and sorting samples.

New Entomology Group Member Finds Bugs and Fungi Fascinating

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Working in aquatic science is a dream come true for Matthew Wilson, the Entomology Group’s new staff scientist.

International visitors at the Stroud Center.

Stroud Center Connects International Leaders with Freshwater Solutions

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Stroud Water Research Center rolled out the red carpet for water systems experts from 23 countries who gathered to learn how to best protect their home countries’ water resources.

Louis Kaplan working with streamwater bioreactors.

Stroud Center Scientist Takes “Rotator” Post at National Science Foundation

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Louis A. Kaplan, Ph.D., accepted a one-year appointment as a visiting scientist at the federal agency that funds innovative scientific research.