
Water Quality Concerns

Help for Watershed and Conservation Organizations

The Consortium for Scientific Assistance to Watersheds (C-SAW) is a team of specialists who provide FREE organizational and scientific technical assistance to Pennsylvania-based watershed and conservation organizations. C-SAW does not conduct watershed monitoring or assessments, but instead helps watershed organizations do a better job with their own monitoring and assessments. The Stroud Center is a C-SAW technical assistance provider.

Contacts for Water Quality Concerns

Stroud Water Research Center does not give advice or help with the following issues but offers these contacts as a courtesy to the public.

Water Testing

Pollution Incidents

Fish Kills

  • To report an incident to the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission, call 1-855-FISH-KIL (1-855-347-4545)

Erosion and Sedimentation Issues

Pond Management, Nuisance Algae, and Weed Control

Well and Septic Issues