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Stroud Center

Trout Grow on Trees

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project connects citizens to the idea that healthy forests make healthy streams and, thus, healthy trout populations. Funding supports hands-on experiences for students and families to learn about the…

Microbial Fuel Cell Project

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project is testing sediment microbial fuel cells (MFCs) as a source of clean, sustainable, environmentally friendly energy. The study uses MFCs to power a Christmas tree as an example…

Brownie Troop Completes Wonders of Water Journey

800 564 Stroud Water Research Center

We are thrilled to now offer Girl Scout and Boy Scout programs! On Saturday April 30, Brownie Troop #4070 visited us to complete their Wonders of Water Journey badges. Chadds…

Ag BMP Planning and Implementation for Chester County

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project operates the Farm Stewardship Program in Chester County, assisting farmers to implement whole-farm conservation while leveraging U.S. Department of Agriculture funding for work including forested buffers.Funded by: Pennsylvania…

Ag BMP Planning and Implementation for Berks County

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project operates the Farm Stewardship Program in Berks County, assisting farmers to implement whole-farm conservation while leveraging U.S. Department of Agriculture funding for work including forested buffers.

Leveraging Farm Bill Funds for Water Quality in the Brandywine-Christina and Middle Schuylkill Clusters

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project provides outreach and technical assistance to farmers in Chester and Berks counties to ensure full implementation of funds provided by U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program for constructing ag best management practices.

Delivering the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Regional Conservation Partnership Program in Lancaster County, Pa.

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project provides outreach and technical assistance to farmers to ensure full implementation of funds provided by U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program for constructing ag best management practices.

Whole-Farm Conservation Including Forested Buffers

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project expands the Farm Stewardship Program in Lancaster and Franklin Counties — the top two dairy counties in Pennsylvania. To address water-quality issues, whole-farm conservation with forested buffers is implemented. Farmers who install forested buffers receive incentives that can only be used to pay for other needed best management practices on the farm.