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Stroud Center

Earthworm Invasion: Investigating Changes in Soil Chemistry and Carbon Sequestration

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Human activities over the last 100 years have introduced exotic earthworms into many pristine northern forests. These earthworm invasions are moving north at 15-30 feet per year, bringing with them…

Consequences of Erosion and Deposition in the Fly River, Papua New Guinea, on Carbon Cycling and Climate Change

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This research project on the Fly River in Papua New Guinea, one of the more dynamic sediment delivery systems in the world, aims to determine whether the combined effects of…

Comprehensive Aquatic Learning Project

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This collaborative partnership with Tyler Arboretum initiates teacher training programs in watershed research and education. We engaged teachers in our Leaf Pack Network, conducting a one-day intensive training in methods,macroinvertebrate…

Headshot of Lindsey Albertson.

Lindsey Albertson, Ph.D.

500 500 Stroud Water Research Center

Postdoctoral Researcher

Children walking across a field and preparing to plant trees.

Stroud Center Honored with Two Conservation Awards

350 272 Stroud Water Research Center

Berks County Conservation District gave Sweeney its Conservation Individual of the Year Award and Lancaster County Conservation District gave Stroud Center its Cooperating Agency Award.

Stroud Center entomologists.

Two Hellos and a Goodbye in Entomology Group

450 304 Stroud Water Research Center

Sherman Roberts and Kelly McIntyre have joined the team and Roberta Weber has retired after 31 years.

Peter Kjellerup, Bern Sweeney, and Mandy Cabot.

Dansko Co-Founders Honored for Their Support

350 383 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center dedicated the Public Outreach Wing of its Moorhead Environmental Complex in honor of Dansko co-founders Mandy Cabot and Peter Kjellerup.

Chestnut mandibled toucan

Re-Wilding Tropical Ecosystems Starts With Clean Fresh Water

350 263 Stroud Water Research Center

Bern Sweeney, Ph.D., traveled to Costa Rica in late January to discuss innovative practices in re-wilding tropical ecosystems including rainforests, mangrove forests, streams and wetlands.

Headshot of John H. Taylor Jr.

Remembering John Taylor

350 275 Stroud Water Research Center

John H. Taylor Jr. was a career journalist who served on Stroud Water Research Center’s board of directors since June 2009.

Headshot of Bernard Sweeney.

Delaware River Basin Deserves Federal Protection

349 349 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center applauds reintroduction of Delaware River Basin Conservation Act.