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Stroud Center

A map of the New York Project East of Hudson sites.

UpStream Newsletter, Fall 2000

608 700 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center scientists are racing to finish their first season of sampling the streams and reservoirs that give clean water to nine million New Yorkers.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Molecular tracers of organic matter sources to surface water resources

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Standley, L.J., L.A. Kaplan, and D. Smith. 2000. Environmental Science and Technology 34:3124–3130.

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Effects of desiccation and temperature/irradiance on the metabolism of two arctic stream bryophyte taxa

1024 681 Stroud Water Research Center

Arscott, D.B., W.B. Bowden, and J.C. Finlay. 2000. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 19:263–273.

2000 UpStream Newsletter cover

UpStream Newsletter, Spring 2000

400 154 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center, internationally-known for its knowledge of small streams, is now doing a research project on the nation’s largest river, the Mississippi.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Comparison of three TOC methodologies

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Kaplan, L. A. 2000. A broad-scale comparison of DOC methodologies. Journal of the American Water Works Association 92:149–156.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

The effect of formalin and Lugol’s iodine solution on protozoal cell volume

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Zinabu, G.M., and T.L. Bott. 2000. Limnologica 30:59–63.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Freshwater Microbiology

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Kaplan, L.A.<,strong>, and A.E. Konopka. 2000. Pages 438–450 in J. Lederberg (editor). Encyclopedia of microbiology. 2nd edition. Academic Press, San Diego, California.