Forever Chemicals in Our Water: Threats and Solutions

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Forever Chemicals in Our Water: Threats and Solutions

- Date and time: February 11, 2022, 12–1 p.m. EST.
- Location: Online via Zoom videoconferencing.
- Cost: Free, but you must register to receive the connection information.
Celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science by joining us for the first episode of the 2022 Science Seminar Series, “What’s in Our Streams and Rivers: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.”
Have you heard of forever chemicals like PFASs and wondered where they come from and why there is so much concern about them? Join us to hear answers from one of the world’s experts on this insidious pollution threat and the latest technologies for cleaning it up.

The webinar will feature Seetha Coleman-Kammula, Ph.D., a serial entrepreneur and a former senior vice president of Basell, a Royal Dutch Shell and BASF joint venture. She started as a research scientist in Amsterdam and held diverse positions in four countries managing R&D, strategy, and business units. After retiring from Shell, she served on Dow Chemical Company’s sustainability external advisory board and founded Simply Sustain, a management consulting company in sustainability. She co-founded and currently leads PFAS Solutions.