
Triple Your Donation with Amazon Smile

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Amazon Smile was discontinued in February 2023 but you can still support us with your shopping! With Goodshop, you’ll get great coupons to shop at your favorite stores while supporting Stroud Water Research Center. And with Goodsearch, the Stroud Center will receive a donation each time you search the web!

Do you know about Amazon Smile? It’s a way for you to support Stroud Water Research Center every time you shop on, at no cost to you!

An Easy Way to Support the Stroud Center

When you start your shopping here, Amazon will ordinarily donate 0.5% of your purchase price to the Stroud Center. Everything about it is exactly the same as your usual Amazon experience, except for the starting page.

Triple Donations for a Limited Time

If you’ve never participated before, here’s an exciting opportunity: Amazon is tripling the donation amount to 1.5% when customers make their first eligible purchase from March 12–31.