
Stroud Water Research Center Wins a Telly Award

112 162 Stroud Water Research Center


Avondale, Pa. – Stroud Water Research Center of Avondale, Chester County, PA was recently awarded the Telly Award for its film The Wisdom of Water, which was produced and written by Richard Robinson of Silverwood Films.

The Telly Awards was founded in 1980 to showcase and give recognition to outstanding non-network TV video and film programming. Of the more than 11,000 entrants only 7-10% are chosen as winners.

The entries do not compete against one another but compete against a high standard of excellence. Previous winners include Sony Pictures, Walt Disney Studios, Time Life Video and National Geographic.

The 12-minute video, a creative achievement, chronicles the history of the inception and the scientific achievements of the Stroud Water Research Center. The backdrops for some very breathtaking scenes were various Center research sites in Pennsylvania, New York and Costa Rica.

The video serves as an educational medium for students and organizations interested in the Center’s work to advance the knowledge of stream and river ecosystems through their interdisciplinary research.