
Watershed education for Plain Sect Communities

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

In collaboration with Penn State Cooperative Extension and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Center and Extension educators taught students in four Mennonite schoolhouses in Lancaster County. The lessons specifically focused on teaching them the links between stream health, healthy farms, and rural communities; teaching them simple and effective tools to improve stream health, particularly utilizing forested riparian zones to protect stream water quality; and emphasizing a collective community responsibility for environmental stewardship and connections between their communities and other natural resources in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Students were taught at their schools and also attended a field trip to the Stroud Center. One school participated in a tree planting of a riparian buffer at a local farm. They planted more than 100 trees, and over the years they will monitor the growth and survivorship of those trees.

Funded by: Marshall Reynolds Foundation

Project Lead: Christina Medved

Project Year: 2012