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Teachers from the Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School learned about the Trout Grow on Trees program.

Sharing Our Science: Winter 2016

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We share our science to increase awareness and create a public dialogue centered on the protection, preservation, and restoration of watersheds everywhere.

Susan Gill, Tara Muenz, and Libby Gregg.

Education Department Highlights: Hello, Congratulations, and Goodbye

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Stroud Center announces the retirement of Susan Gill, the appointment of new education director Steven Kerlin and the promotion of Tara Muenz to assistant director of education.

International visitors at the Stroud Center.

Stroud Center Connects International Leaders with Freshwater Solutions

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Stroud Water Research Center rolled out the red carpet for water systems experts from 23 countries who gathered to learn how to best protect their home countries’ water resources.

2015 Society for Freshwater Science conference logo.

Sharing Our Science: Summer 2015

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In May, Stroud Water Research Center scientists attended the weeklong annual meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Scientific Expert Testimony for Department of Justice: Wetland Connectivity Related To Jurisdictional Determination in a Painesville, OH Wetland Complex. US v. Osborne, Sr. DJ#90-5-1-1-18628

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Funded by: US Department of Justice Principal Investigators: David B. Arscott and William H. Eldridge Collaborator: John K. Jackson (2014) Project Years: 2013, 2014

Developing a Water Atlas for the ACOSA Region of Costa Rica

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Stroud Water Research Center biologists are working with researchers and managers in the ACOSA region of southwest Costa Rica to collect and disseminate information on streams and rivers to a…

Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory (CRB-CZO): Quantifying Carbon Sequestration Resulting From Human-Induced Erosion

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In collaboration with the University of Delaware, Stroud Center scientists established one of 10 Critical Zone Observatories in the U.S. and began to establish the sampling, sensor, and data infrastructures…

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Restoration News, Fall 2014

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In between the flurry of watershed restoration planning and field work that the Stroud Restoration Team carries out, it organized several riparian forest buffer workshops through the region this fall.

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Education News, Fall 2014

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From New Jersey to Costa Rica to North Carolina and back home at the Stroud Center, our education staff was busy this fall!

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Spatial distribution and ecosystem effects of a nuisance, bloom-forming diatom (Didymosphenia geminata) in Catskill Mountain streams, New York

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Richardson, D.C., I.A. Oleksy, T.J. Hoellein, D.B. Arscott, C.A. Gibson, and S.M. Root. 2014. Aquatic Sciences 76:553.