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Scouts BSA Fish and Wildlife Merit Badge With New Online Learning Hybrid Format

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Educators develop and implement new hybrid merit badge programming with online and in-person portions, including an online learning portal for remote education to limit face-to-face contact and reduce virus transmission.…

GIS-Based Professional Development: Helping K–12 Teachers Overcome Obstacles Due to COVID-19

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project builds capacity and advances environmental literacy efforts that integrate geospatial technology use among educators in the Lake Erie, Susquehanna River, and Delaware Estuary watersheds. Partners are developing, implementing,…

Equity and Environmental Education (EE) in the Time of COVID-19 to Support EE Providers

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Educators modified existing watershed education programming, created new programming, and piloted programming for virtual and in-person engagement during the coronavirus pandemic. Additional funding from PDE supported the initial planning of…

Pa. Healthy Learning Environments Advisory Council to the Pa. Department of Health’s COVID-19 Initiative

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Educators provided feedback on technical plans, guidance, and resources to develop a cohesive system of professional development and classroom materials to create healthy schools and childcare environments that prevent the…

Virtual Learning Resources

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

In response to COVID-19 emergency learning conditions, educators created and delivered new and modified watershed education resources for use in nearby nature and in virtual learning settings, both the coronavirus…