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Publication title with image of a mayfly

Riparian groundwater nitrogen (N) isotopes reveal human imprints of dams and road salt salinization

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Inamdar, S., M. Peipoch, M. Sena, B, Joshi, M.M. Rahman, J. Kan, E.K. Peck, A. Gold, T.L.E. Trammell, and P.M. Groffman. 2024. Geophysical Research Letters 51(5): e2023GL106888.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Watershed sediment cannot offset sea level rise in most U.S. tidal wetlands

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Ensign, S.H., J.N. Halls, and E.K. Peck. 2023. Science 382(6675): 1191–1195.

A salt marsh in Barnstable, Massachusetts, shows signs of erosion and drowning as the sea level rises.

When Sea-Level Rise Threatens Coastal Wetlands, Don’t Look to Rivers For Help, Scientists Say

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Building up wetlands that are drowning under rising oceans remains a challenge, but scientists are now one step closer to identifying solutions.

A relic milldam on the Christina River in Delaware.

Will Removing Thousands of Old Milldams Across the Northeast Help or Hurt Streams?

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center scientists have been assessing how milldams affect the filtering capacity of streams and whether their removal affects water quality. 

Saturated, Suffocated, and Salty: Hotspots of Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction in Anoxic Riparian Soils

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project investigates the origin of the nitrogen stored in the riparian soils above milldams, the dominant processes controlling its transformation, and its risk of being released into the stream.…

Low-Head Milldams as Hotspots for Denitrification and Nitrogen Consumption: Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Controls

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

As dam removal has increased in recent years in an effort to improve fish habitat and reduce financial liability, few studies have addressed the consequences of these removals for water…

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Mill dams impact microbiome structure and depth distribution in riparian sediments

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Kan, J., E.K. Peck, L. Zgleszewski, M. Peipoch, and S. Inamdar. 2023. Frontiers in Microbiology 14: 1161043.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Influence of relict milldams on riparian sediment biogeochemistry

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Peck, E.K., S.P. Inamdar, M. Peipoch, and A.J. Gold. 2023. Journal of Soils and Sediments 23: 2584–2599..

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Saturated, suffocated, and salty: human legacies produce hot spots of nitrogen in riparian zones

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Inamdar, S.P., E.K. Peck, M. Peipoch, A.J. Gold, 2022. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 127 (12): e2022JG007138.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Nitrogen sinks or sources? Denitrification and nitrogen removal potential in riparian legacy sediment terraces affected by milldams

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Peck, E.K., S. Inamdar, M. Sherman, J. Hripto, M. Peipoch, A.J. Gold, and K. Addy. 2022. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 127(10): e2022JG007004.

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