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Ecosystem Ecology

Influence of nitrate and ammonium availability on uptake kinetics of stream biofilms

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Ribot, M., D. Von Schiller, M. Peipoch, F. Sabater, N. B. Grimm, and E. Martí. 2013. Freshwater Science 32(4):1155–1167.

Nitrogen stable isotopes in primary uptake compartments across streams differing in nutrient availability

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Pastor, A., M. Peipoch, L. Cañas, E. Chappuis, M. Ribot, E. Gacia, J. Ll. Riera, E. Martí, and F. Sabater. 2013. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 47(18):10155–62.

Resistance and recovery of river biofilms receiving short pulses of Triclosan and Diuron

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Proia, L., S. Morin, M. Peipoch, A.M. Romaní, and S. Sabater. 2011. Science of the Total Environment. 409(17):3129–37.