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Fluvial Geomorphology

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Bison and cattle grazing management, bare ground coverage, and links to suspended sediment concentrations in grassland streams

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Grudzinski, B.P., M.D. Daniels, K. Anibas, and D. Spencer. 2016. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 52(1):16–30.

Stroud Center scientists sample White Clay Creek at flood stage

Stream-Monitoring Technology Saves Time and Keeps Scientists Safe

1000 750 Stroud Water Research Center

An acoustic Doppler current profiler lets our scientists stay safe and dry while taking crucial streamflow measurements during flood conditions.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

How big of an effect do small dams have? Using geomorphological footprints to quantify spatial impact of low-head dams and identify patterns of across-dam variation

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Fencl, J.S., M.E. Mather, K.H. Costigan, and M.D. Daniels. 2015. PLoS ONE 10(11):e0141210.

Valerie Ouellet sampling a stream.

Spotlight on Valérie Ouellet

400 307 Stroud Water Research Center

A native of Québec, Ouellet is undeterred by winter field work in Pennsylvania. Photo: Pablo Romero ReyesHaving grown up in the scenic village of Padoue in eastern Québec, Valérie Ouellet,…

White Clay Creek behind the Stroud Center in 2013, showing the progress of restoration.

Mapping a Stream’s Recovery

350 263 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center scientists have hypothesized that natural stream widening is an important initial phase in restoring streams to healthier conditions.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Opinion: endogenizing culture in sustainability science research and policy

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Caldasa, M.M., M.R. Sanderson, M. Mather, M.D. Daniels, J.S. Bergtold, J. Aistrup, J.L. Heier Stamm, D. Haukosc, K. Douglas-Mankin, A.Y. Sheshukov, and D.Lopez-Carr. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112(27):8157–8159.

2015 Society for Freshwater Science conference logo.

Sharing Our Science: Summer 2015

350 254 Stroud Water Research Center

In May, Stroud Water Research Center scientists attended the weeklong annual meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.