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Video still of a tapir enjoying the rain

“Caught” at Maritza: Tapir Enjoying the Rain

800 449 Stroud Water Research Center

Rafa Morales Cueto, field station manager at Maritza Biological Station, filmed this tapir enjoying the rain while swimming in Río Tempisquito.

Scott Ensign at Rodale Field Day

Sharing Our Science at Rodale Institute’s Field Day

472 354 Stroud Water Research Center

Visitors learned the importance of integrating knowledge about farming practices and water quality and assessing the influence that farming decisions have on soils and streams.

Screenshot of Caddisflies, Engineering an Ecosystem video

Research Reveals Caddisflies are Ecosystem Engineers

1024 575 Stroud Water Research Center

Hydropsychid caddisflies spin silk mesh nets that they use to filter feed. These nets are important ecosystem engineering structures in flowing waters.

American mink standing on rocks

Secretive Mink Caught on Video in White Clay Creek

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

This was an unusual sighting because American mink are most active at night and in the early morning hours. It’s also a good sign for White Clay Creek.

Bern Sweeney in a video still.

Global Impact: Preserving and Conserving Fresh Water Around the World

942 530 Stroud Water Research Center

Our scientists are advancing knowledge of freshwater systems on five continents and our educators are using the Leaf Pack Network® materials to teach freshwater stewardship throughout North, Central and South America, with plans to expand to Africa and China.

A small fish in Rio Rincon, Costa Rica.

Fish of the Río Rincón, Costa Rica

835 627 Stroud Water Research Center

Researchers from the Stroud Center visited the Río Rincón on the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica to scope out potential sites for an upcoming survey of the physical, chemical, and biological status of streams and rivers of the Osa Peninsula.

A Costa Rica tapir caught by a wildlife camera.

Wildlife Camera: Costa Rican Tapir

944 525 Stroud Water Research Center

A wildlife camera recorded footage of a tapir walking near Maritza Biological Station in Costa Rica.

A tapir at Maritza Biological Station.

Tapir Visits the Maritza Biological Station

944 528 Stroud Water Research Center

A rare daytime sighting of a tapir near Maritza Biological Station in Costa Rica.

Spider monkey in a video still.

Spider Monkeys at the Maritza Biological Station

944 527 Stroud Water Research Center

Another video shot by Rafa Morales, station manager at the Maritza Biological Station in Costa Rica. This adult spider monkey is feeding on buds in the treetops while its baby…

Two farmers walk across a field in winter.

USDA Programs Put Stroud Center Science on the Ground

989 550 Stroud Water Research Center

With the help of the USDA, a growing number of farmers are choosing to plant streamside forests to protect water quality for their downstream neighbors.