Did you know Stroud Water Research Center education team members are Project Water Education Today (WET) facilitators? We engage local pre-service teachers, in-service classroom teachers, and non-formal educators in Project WET professional development workshops year-round, including award-winning curricula from Project WET 2.0 (K-12), Getting Little Feet WET (ages 3-6), and Healthy Water Healthy People (sixth grade – university level).
We hope Project WET’s suite of free and discounted Home and Distance Learning Resources will support water education for all ages throughout emergency remote instruction. Here are our favorite highlights:
- DiscoverWater.org: Self-directed educational resource that uses interactive games to teach children ages 7-12 different water topics—ranging from global to personal perspectives—which together reflect many of the complex and important roles of water in our everyday lives. Explore the water cycle, soap and water science, watersheds, and more!
- Healthy Habits Coloring Pages: Creatively teach early learners about healthy hygiene and healthy communities.
- Free Downloadable Picturebook: Water for YOU and ME!: Story and suggested activities that help children ages 3-6 understand the importance of water to life and its use in keeping people healthy.

As part of a boots-in-the-water education program at the Stroud Center, Girl Scout Juniors determine the percentage of water on Earth during the Project WET activity “Blue Planet.”
- Student Activity Booklets: As inexpensive as $0.99, over 70 titles of colorful and interactive student activity booklets help children ages 8-12 (and younger!) explore new aquatic ecosystems, learn water stories from cultures around the world, and more!
- Project WET’s WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene): Explore free materials on hand-washing and health.
- Project WET’s Early Childhood Resources: Includes links to children’s CD downloads, water education picturebooks, and more.
- Free Downloadable Lessons: Includes limited-time free downloads of some of the Stroud Center’s favorite PreK-12 lessons correlated to NGSS, including Don’t Pass the Germs (PreK-2), Seeing Watersheds (Grades 3-8), and Blue Planet (all grade levels).
- At-Home Pre-K Water Exploration Video: Project WET staff member and parent demonstrates some Pre-K activities with her kids to explore water with early learners.
- House of Seasons At-Home Pre-K Activity Video: Using this example of a Getting Little Feet WET Activity and the accompanying student copy pages, teach preschool-aged children about water in different seasons while doing a fun art project.
- Seeing Watersheds Digital Lesson (Grades 3-8): Interactive student module that teaches the definition of a watershed! Limited-time free download of original lesson here.
- Get WET! Home Water Lesson: H2Olympics (Grades 3-8): Interactive student module that teaches cohesion, adhesion, and surface tension. Be sure to read the tips and original lesson.
- Get WET! Home Water Lesson: A Drop in the Bucket (Grades 4-8): Interactive student module that teaches students about the availability of water on Earth. Limited-time free download of original lesson here.
- Get WET! Home Water Lesson: A Plume Problem / A Grave Mistake (Grades 6-12): Interactive student module that requires students to find the source of an arsenic plume. Be sure to read the tips and original lesson.