
Our Focus is Fresh Water

Since 1967, Stroud Water Research Center has focused on one thing — fresh water.
We advance knowledge and stewardship of freshwater systems through global research, education, and watershed restoration.

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A woman sprinkles water from a watering can onto a watershed modeling table.

New Teaching Tool Shows How Land Use Alters Rain’s Path

Watershed modeling tables and companion lessons from the Stroud Center help people learn how actions on land impact streams and rivers.
Bern Sweeney walks through a native meadow.

Bern Sweeney Recognized With Prestigious Ruth Patrick Award

As a student, colleague, and lifelong friend of Ruth Patrick, Sweeney sustained a career of scientific discovery leading to environmental solutions.
Participants in the “Science of Fresh Water” course visit the Stroud Center.

New Class Introduces Adult Learners to “Science of Fresh Water”

Participants got a crash course on what watersheds are and how their streams and rivers work and support wildlife.
Publication title with image of a mayfly

Variation in freshwater insect osmoregulatory traits: A comparative approach

Cochran, J.K., S.E. Orr, D.H. Funk, A.C. Figurskey, M.H. Reiskind, and D.B. Buchwalter. 2024. Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology, early online access.
A map of southeastern Pennsylvania showing impacted streams and developed land use.

The Stream Restoration Puzzle

A new Stroud Water Research Center presentation examines why investment projects often fail to meet water quality standards.
A close-up photo of lawn grass with a house and tree in the background.

Green Lawns Don’t Have to Lead to Green Water

Learn how to care for your landscape and prevent potentially harmful algae from growing in the waters where you live.

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WikiWatershed® web tools offer watershed data visualization, geospatial analysis capabilities, and science-based predictions of human impacts on stormwater runoff and water quality.

The Water Quality mobile app is a water-monitoring data-collection and learning tool designed for use by educators and their students, citizen scientists, and researchers.

EnviroDIY™ is a community where members ask and answer questions and network within interest groups to develop do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring devices.

The Society for Freshwater Science Taxonomic Certification Program ensures skilled persons are providing aquatic invertebrate identifications in North America.

The Leaf Pack Network® is an international network of teachers, students, and citizen monitors using a simple experiment to determine the health of their local streams.

The Consortium for Scientific Assistance to Watersheds provides free technical assistance to Pennsylvania-based watershed and conservation organizations.

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