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Stroud Center

People seated at a long dining table outside at the Sustainable Feast.

Al Fresco Feast to Celebrate Local Sustainable Agriculture

559 258 Stroud Water Research Center

The feast will draw the connection between the requirements for clean, fresh water and a healthy watershed to produce our food.

Schuylkill Sojourn Gives Paddlers a Glimpse into the World Below Their Kayaks

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Sojourners will be joined by scientists from the Stroud Center, who will give presentations about the river environment at lunch and evening stops.

Using a Bioassay to Measure the Potential Of Polymer Solutions To Support Bacterial Growth

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

We inoculated test solutions of 15 different polymers used in water treatment with two species of bacteria known to grow on a wide variety of molecules. We then measured the…

Effects of Land Use on Water Quality of Streams and Rivers on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

We used species composition and relative abundance of aquatic insect populations to measure water quality changes from deforestation, cattle farming and palm oil plantations in seven streams and rivers in…

Biofilm Ecology in Philadelphia’s East Park Distribution System and the Efficacy of Control Strategies

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Most microorganisms in nature grow attached to surfaces, encased in a protective matrix — or biofilm. Our research focuses on the growth and control of microbial biofilm in the East…

Watershed Citizenship Learning Community

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

In collaboration with Cabrini College, Stroud Center educators began development of Watershed Ecology and Watershed Citizenship curricula for non-science majors.

The Rain Barrel Project

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Working with teachers at three Media, Pennsylvania, schools, Stroud Center educators demonstrated to hundreds of secondary school students practical solutions to reduce stormwater problems.

Celebrated Photographer, Educator, and Activist to Speak

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

On Thursday, April 9, 2009, Subhankar Banerjee will present “Land as Home: Vision for an Eco-Culturally Sustainable Arctic.”

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Electricity production coupled to ammonium in a microbial fuel cell

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

He Z., J. Kan, Y. Wang, Y. Huang, Mansfeld, and K.H. Nealson. 2009. Environmental Science and Technology 43:3391–3397.

Yeda Arscott and children.

Dr. David Arscott Joins the Stroud Center as Assistant Director

559 258 Stroud Water Research Center

Arscott brings a breadth of expertise in the fields of aquatic macroinvertebrates, ecohydrology, biosecurity (invasive species) and water allocation issues.