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Stroud Center

Photo of two children on rocks at a lake's edge, with text that says Choose to Refuse Single-Use Plastic.

The Winner of the Plastic Free Challenge Is …

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

It’s challenging to limit plastic use in normal circumstances, but it’s nearly impossible to do during a global pandemic, Stroud Center staff discovered.

Focusing on Farms to Safeguard the Delaware River

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

An article in Edible Philly dives into the effort to protect and restore clean water in the Delaware River watershed by working with farmers.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Stream restoration for legacy sediments at Gramies Run, Maryland: early lessons from implementation, water quality monitoring, and soil health

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Mattern, K., A. Lutgen, N. Sienkiewicz, G. Jiang , J. Kan, M. Peipoch, and S. Inamdar. 2020. Water 12(8):2164.

Brownies flex their tree-planting muscles

Tree-rific Virtual Learning Resources on Streamside Forests

725 408 Stroud Water Research Center

Every tree we plant plays a vital role by providing a natural buffer zone between our land use and the stream it protects.

How Can You Plant Seeds of Change? Watch the “Stories from the Streams” Video!

840 475 Stroud Water Research Center

Episode 1 in a video series from WHYY TV12 demonstrates how planting trees along a stream can filter out pollutants and dramatically improve water quality.

Video still showing two children playing on a water slide

The Intersection of Science and Policy for Clean Water and a Healthy Delaware River

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Watch the video of the first webinar in a four-part series celebrating American River’s 2020 River of the Year, Delaware River.

Still from the electrofishing video.

STEM Career Spotlight: Electrofishing to Determine Stream Health

1024 575 Stroud Water Research Center

Have you ever wondered what swims by your feet in your local creek? Learn how we use electrofishing to survey the fish living in the east branch of White Clay Creek!

Photo of trout fingerlings in a tank.

How Do Trout Grow on Trees?

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

While they more literally grow from eggs into alevins, fingerlings, and adults, trout “grow” on trees because their health and survival depend on streamside forests.

Delaware River Webinar Series Announced

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The Delaware River was named 2020 River of the Year by American Rivers for its progress in improving water quality, river restoration, and community revitalization.

Newbold Honored With Society of Freshwater Science Award of Excellence

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Newbold’s research on nutrient spiraling has been at the forefront of stream ecology for over 35 years and is recognized as an outstanding contribution to freshwater science.