

Restoring Our Watersheds: A Podcast Conversation

In the season six premiere of the Kindred Podcast, we talk about watersheds, their importance to humans and wildlife, and how people can both harm and restore them ...

How Farming Practices Influence Water Quality and Soil Health

Scientists from the Stroud Center and Rodale Institute share what they’re learning from the Watershed Impact Trial on the MOSES Organic Farming Podcast ...

Talking Soil Health on Public Radio

Healthy soils can reduce soil erosion and nutrient runoff, and increase stormwater infiltration, reduce stream flooding, and improve groundwater base flows ...

Algae That Is Beneficial … Until It Isn’t

When a stream’s normal ecosystem is disturbed, the growth of a normally beneficial species can explode and cause problems ...

Good Fences Make Good Water

Cows wading in a stream might make a pretty picture but the reality is a lot less pleasant. Find out why in this 1-minute podcast featuring Jinjun Kan, Ph.D ...

Stroud Science on NPR: Road Salt Boosts Safety But Threatens Fresh Water

When StateImpact Pennsylvania wanted to understand how our addiction to road salt is impacting the environment, they came to Stroud Water Research Center ...

Nature’s Engineers: Beavers Provide Benefits to Streams

“Before European colonization, beavers would have been ubiquitous across the northern United States Great Lakes region,” explains Melinda Daniels, Associate Research Scientist and Principal Investigator of the Fluvial Geomorphology Group ...

Healthy Streams for Healthy Herds

When farmers improve the health of streams on their land, it also improves the health of their herds ...

Citizen Scientists Track Tiny Critters to Determine Health of the Watershed

Turns out eight-year-olds aren’t the only ones who love great piles of leaves. So do macroinvertebrates, the critters that indicate watershed health ...

Rock Snot: ItsNot a Joke

Turns out, noses aren’t the only things that get snotty: Phlegm-like algae grosses out stream beds, too ...
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