
Watershed Biogeochemistry Group

960 720 Stroud Water Research Center

The main focus of the Watershed Biogeochemistry Group is to investigate major elemental cycles in streams and their watersheds, particularly carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus pools and fluxes. We are especially interested in quantifying and characterizing the rich array of organic molecules that exist in stream ecosystems, and serve as the main food source to microorganisms and consequently to all biological communities. Throughout the watershed, water is found in many places beyond stream channels, including aquifers, soils, and sediments. Our biogeochemistry laboratory has the capabilities to perform a wide range of chemistry analyses in water samples from all these places.

Watershed Biogeochemistry Staff

Sara Geleskie Damiano

Sara Damiano

Staff Scientist
Headshot of Michael Gentile.

Michael Gentile

Staff Scientist
Daniel Myers

Daniel Myers, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Associate
Diana Oviedo-Vargas, Ph.D.

Diana Oviedo Vargas, Ph.D.

Assistant Research Scientist
Sherman Roberts

Sherman Roberts

Staff Scientist

Watershed Biogeochemistry News

Publication title with image of a mayfly
Hydrologic implications of projected changes in rain-on-snow melt for Great Lakes Basin watersheds
Myers, D.T., D.L. Ficklin, and S.M. Robeson. 2023. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 27(9): 1755–1770.
Diana Oviedo-Vargas downloading data from a sensor located in White Clay Creek to a field laptop.
Stroud Center Scientist to Serve as Nature Conservancy Trustee
Diana Oviedo Vargas, Ph.D., is to serve as a trustee of the Nature Conservancy in Pennsylvania and Delaware, the conservancy recently announced.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Respiration regimes in rivers: partitioning source-specific respiration from metabolism time series
Bertuzzo, E., E.R. Hotchkiss, A. Argerich, J.S. Kominoski, D. Oviedo-Vargas, P. Savoy, R. Scarlett, D. von Schiller, and J.B. Heffernan. 2022. Limnology and Oceanography 67(11): 2374–2388.
Daniel Myers and his dog get a closeup.
Adventures in Geographic Space: Postdoc Daniel Myers Recalls the Wild as He Solves Water Challenges
On a fateful backcountry internship some years ago, the Stroud Center’s new postdoc, Dan Myers, Ph.D., heard the call of the wild and something more: his life’s mission.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Partitioning inorganic carbon fluxes from paired O2–CO2 gas measurements in a neotropical headwater stream, Costa Rica
Marzolf, N.S., G.E. Small, D. Oviedo-Vargas, C.N. Ganong, J.H. Duff, A. Ramírez, C.M. Pringle, D.P. Genereux, and M. Ardón. 2022. Biogeochemistry 160: 259–273.
The Viscosity Effect: A Newly Found Connection Between the Riparian Zone and Water Quality
The Viscosity Effect: A Newly Found Connection Between the Riparian Zone and Water Quality
A new Stroud Center study shows that the density of water plays a previously overlooked role in nutrient and carbon cycling in freshwater ecosystems.