Whether You Are 18 or 80, Now Is the Time to Plan Your Legacy!
We warmly invite you to join our Headwaters Society, a group of amazing individuals ensuring the future of clean fresh water by including Stroud Water Research Center in their planned giving.
How does it work?
By providing for the Stroud Center in your will or living trust, your assets are not diminished during your lifetime. Also, the amount of your gift may substantially reduce the taxes owed by your estate.
Bequests can be:
- A specific dollar amount.
- A percentage of your estate.
- The residual of your estate.
- A contingent bequest.
To begin:
- Create your will online for free. This is an easy way to protect the people and fresh water you love — in only about 20 minutes.
- Start the conversation with your lawyer.
Questions, or have you already included the Stroud Center in your will? We want to hear from you! Email us at development@stroudcenter.org or call 610-910-0054.