
Shaping the physical template: biological, hydrological, and geomorphic connections in stream channels

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Julian, J.P., C.J.P. Podolak, K.M. Meitzen, M.W. Doyle, R.B. Manners, E.T. Hester, S.H. Ensign, and N.A. Wilgruber. Pages 85–134 in J.B. Jones and E.H. Stanley (editors). Stream Ecosystems in a Changing Environment. Academic Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

eBook ISBN: 9780124059191
Hardcover ISBN: 9780124058903


Stream Ecosystems in a Changing Environment synthesizes the current understanding of stream ecosystem ecology, emphasizing nutrient cycling and carbon dynamics, and providing a forward-looking perspective regarding the response of stream ecosystems to environmental change. Each chapter includes a section focusing on anticipated and ongoing dynamics in stream ecosystems in a changing environment, along with hypotheses regarding controls on stream ecosystem functioning. The book, with its innovative sections, provides a bridge between papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and the findings of researchers in new areas of study.