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A three-year-old forested buffer showing strong tree growth.

Using Herbicide: An Important Tool in Establishing Streamside Forests

640 480 Stroud Water Research Center

To ensure our buffers are set up for success, we strategically use herbicides to control invasive plants for the first three years.

Agricultural Best Management Practices and Buffers Featuring Brandywine-Christina, Chester County, and Middle Schuylkill Focus Areas

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

A suite of watershed restoration projects are delivering results for improving water quality. With a network of partners, the Stroud Center’s watershed restoration team is providing technical assistance with planning,…

Forested Buffers for Farms in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project provides funding for five farms in Lancaster and Chester counties in Pennsylvania to install forested buffers and any needed infrastructure to protect streams from livestock.Funded by: Pa. Department…

“Healthy Soils, Healthy Streams” Training and Technical Assistance

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This collection of projects includes training, planning, and technology conversion assistance to farmers as they prioritize soil health thereby protecting water on their lands. Training sessions by the Pa. No-Till…

Lancaster County Clean Water Community Action Partnership

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project provides funding for implementing streamside forests, streambank fencing, stabilized livestock crossings, and watering systems in Lancaster County, Pa., as part of the countywide restoration strategy.Funded by: Funded by…

Stroud Center/Pa. Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Forested Buffer Partnership

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project restores 30 acres of forested buffer in the west branch of Red Clay Creek and includes care after planting. The buffers are part of whole-farm work on a…

Support for a Coalition on Soil Health in Pennsylvania

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project establishes the Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition to improve communication and coordination among numerous organizations involved with soil health education, implementation, and research. Coalition member organizations will conduct educational…

Targeted Agricultural Best Management Practices and Forested Buffers for Chester County Focus Areas

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project implements agricultural best management practices on farms, such as stormwater-runoff controls for barnyards and mushroom compost processing areas, new and seasonally earlier cover crops, improved no-till practices, and…

Native trees with tree shelters in a young streamside buffer with a barn in the distance.

Building Trust to Boost the Bay

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center’s watershed restoration team knows that gaining farmers’ trust and emphasizing improvements in their local streams is an important part of the work.

Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding speaks at a press event.

Pa. Ag Secretary Meets With Scientists and Farmer About New Research Funding 

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center highlights research supporting the future of farming and clean water in Pennsylvania.