
“Healthy Soils, Healthy Streams” Training and Technical Assistance

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This collection of projects includes training, planning, and technology conversion assistance to farmers as they prioritize soil health thereby protecting water on their lands. Training sessions by the Pa. No-Till Alliance will be delivered to nearly 6,000 farmers, conservation professionals, and others. The biological principles of soil health — nurturing the microbes and other organisms that enhance soils — apply to achieving both healthy soils and healthy streams. Techniques deployed can include no-till planting, cover cropping, establishment of streamside forests, and other conservation practices. Targeted regions include farms along French Creek and the Shenango River in Pennsylvania; Berks County, Pennsylvania; and northern Virginia.

Funded by:

  • 2023: Amazon Web Services; Blue Yak Foundation; Pa. State Conservation Commission; Pa. Department of Environmental Protection; and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
  • 2017–2022: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Project Lead: Matthew J. Ehrhart


  • 2023: Cover Crop Coaching, LLC; Crawford County Conservation District; and Pa. No-Till Alliance
  • 2017–2022: Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance; Cover Crop Coaching, LLC

Project Years: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

(Project details may change over the lifespan of a project. The project description listed here is from the annual report of the most recent project year.)