Sara Damiano 672 673 Stroud Water Research Center Stroud Water Research Center Scientist
Staff Scientist
Staff Scientist
Staff Scientist
Leech D.M., S.H. Ensign, and M. Piehler. 2016. Aquatic Sciences 78(4):823–836.
Oviedo-Vargas D., D. Dierick, D.P. Genereux, and S.F. Oberbauer. 2016. Biogeochemistry 130(1–2):69–83.
Julian, J.P., C.J.P. Podolak, K.M. Meitzen, M.W. Doyle, R.B. Manners, E.T. Hester, S.H. Ensign, and N.A. Wilgruber. Pages 85–134 in J.B. Jones and E.H. Stanley (editors). Stream Ecosystems in a Changing Environment. Academic Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Kaplan, L.A., and R. Cory. 2016. Pages 241–320 in J.B. Jones and E.H. Stanley (editors). Stream Ecosystems in a Changing Environment. Academic Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
While an intern at the Stroud Center, Kristen Jellison, Ph.D., got her first taste of investigative scientific research, and she was immediately hooked.
Investigators explore how the quality of organic molecules changes with distance downstream and how those changes influence the composition of the communities of streambed microbes using that food resource. The…
Ensign, S.H., G.B. Noe, C.R. Hupp, and K.J. Skalak. 2015. Geophysical Research Letters 42(24):10,671–10,679.