
Metaecosystems and the Upstream Legacy: Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter on the Structure and Function of Streambed Bacterial Communities

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Investigators explore how the quality of organic molecules changes with distance downstream and how those changes influence the composition of the communities of streambed microbes using that food resource. The research goals include advancing knowledge of stream ecosystems across drainage networks and forging a broad model of stream ecosystems in the global carbon cycle.

Read more in The Magic of Revealing the Mysteries of Metaecosystems

Funded by: National Science Foundation DEB 1120717

Principal Investigators


  • 2015–2016: David C. Richardson (SUNY New Paltz)
  • 2011–14: Jinjun Kan, Susan E. Gill, and Jennifer J. Mosher; Robert H. Findlay (University of Alabama); David C. Richardson (SUNY New Paltz)

Project Years: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016