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Restoration Project Impact Assessment in Support of Delaware River Watershed Initiative

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project quantifies the positive impacts of restoration projects on water quality and soil health associated with the Delaware River Watershed Initiative. (Project details may change over the lifespan of…

Monitoring Fish Populations and Stream Habitat Quality for the National Park Service

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project monitors biological conditions, water quality, habitat integrity, and fish at 37 sites in 10 national parks in the National Capital Region Network around Washington, D.C. The findings of…

Mitigating Agricultural Pollution of Fresh Water and Combating Climate Change by Restoring Soil Health

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Plowing, disking, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides have damaged the health of agricultural soils, resulting in reduced rainfall infiltration and storage, increased stormwater and pollutant runoff, degraded streams, and contaminated groundwater.…

Long-Term Research in Environmental Biology: Trajectory for the Recovery of Stream Ecosystem Structure and Function During Reforestation

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Stream restoration in the United States is a multibillion-dollar industry, yet long-term monitoring of its effectiveness is virtually nonexistent. To fill this gap, the Stroud Center restored a portion of…

Evaluating and Updating Data Collection Protocols in National Parks of the National Capital Region

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

The National Park Service has monitored stream water quality and quantity for more than 15 years in shallow streams located in 10 parks of the National Capital Region Network. This…

Evaluating How Conventional, Conservation, and Organic Farming Management Practices Enhance Soil Health and Improve Water Quality

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project investigates how different agricultural management practices influence water quality and soil health. Using Rodale Institute’s 37-year-old Farming Systems Trial and a recent transition to organic farming at the…

Dynamics of Phytoplankton Growth and Transport in River Networks From Local to Continental Scales

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

The project proposes a transformative approach using real-time monitoring of algae concentrations during storm events to evaluate the effects of excessive nutrients on entire watersheds. The project includes a regional…

DRWI Phase II+ Monitoring, Evaluation, Scientific Support, and Capacity Building for Watershed Protection and Restoration Projects

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project, part of the Delaware River Watershed Initiative, provides technical background and assistance to grantees of the William Penn Foundation and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to develop,…

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Brandywine Stream Stewards: Community Action in Support of Healthy Waters

1024 681 Stroud Water Research Center

Engaging adults and youth from Wilmington, Del., the Stream Stewards Program monitors water resources in the 1,100 acres of open space in the First State National Historical Park. Stroud Water…

Melinda Daniels with experimental stream flumes.

Stroud Center’s Melinda Daniels Advances to Senior Research Scientist

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Daniels’ fluvial geomorphology research has yielded meaningful discoveries across diverse human–environment interactions.