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Flow of Life Documentary on WHYY/WDPB

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Did you miss our virtual premiere? Tune in or set your DVR to record this documentary about Stroud Water Research Center when it airs on WHYY/WDPB.

Dave Montgomery collecting a water sample from White Clay Creek during Hurricane Isaias.

Your Support is Essential to Our Work

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By not having any in-person programs and workshops, we’ve been severely limited in our revenue intake, so your support this year is truly crucial.

Video still showing masked students performing stream water chemistry tests.

Grateful, Even in This Difficult Year

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Having you as a Friend of Stroud Water Research Center means more to us this year than you can possibly know.

Young Men and Women in Charge explore STEM

$50,000 Challenge Match Grant Generously Sponsored by the Colket Family Foundation

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This challenge grant will enable us to sustain and expand our community-wide education and training programs, curricula, and instructional technologies.

Stroud Water Research Center Celebrates The Redford Center

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Executive Director Jill Tidman accepted the Stroud Award for Freshwater Excellence in recognition of The Redford Center’s dedication to protect the environment and fresh water.

Highlights From the Clean Water Paddle Push

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From families enjoying their backyard ponds to research scientists relaxing with some paddling time after spending a day taking samples, a collective 225 hours were logged on the water.

Why I Give to the Future of Fresh Water Initiative: William LaFond

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With the world’s need for clean fresh water more pressing than ever, we must increase our capacity to pursue our mission.

The 2020 Stroud Award for Freshwater Excellence

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Co-founded in 2005 by Robert Redford and his son, James Redford, the Redford Center uses the power of film and media to engage people through inspiring stories to environmental action.

Delaware River Webinar Series Announced

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The Delaware River was named 2020 River of the Year by American Rivers for its progress in improving water quality, river restoration, and community revitalization.

Meet Our 2020 (Virtual) Interns!

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The COVID-19 pandemic prevented us from bringing interns onto our campus this year but we are fortunate to have four interns working remotely.