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A Wish Come True: Thousands More to Learn Freshwater Science, Stewardship in New Education Pavilion

1024 579 Stroud Water Research Center

The pavilion adds a fourth outdoor space, which will allow our educators to keep class sizes small even when there is a group as large as 120 students.

Former Intern Deirdre Flemming Is Farming Like a Scientist

500 500 Stroud Water Research Center

“I feel like the farm is our living laboratory, and I look at farming like an entomologist. It’s an integrated system, and I’m never bored.”

Most-Used Pesticides Pose Unknown Threat to Waterways, Subject of New Study

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Approximately 95 percent of a neonicotinoid application washes into soil, streams, lakes, and elsewhere into the surrounding environment.

Pnoto of WHYY TV filming David Funk in White Clay Creek

WHYY Airs Stories From the Streams

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

The series shows how scientists, educators, and private citizens are working every day to maintain the quality of the water that sustains 15 million people.

American Rivers Receives Stroud Award for Freshwater Excellence

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

In 2018 alone, American Rivers removed 13 outdated dams, restored more than 400 miles of rivers, and protected more than 300 miles of wild rivers.

Middle school students looking at a large caterpillar

Stroud, PECO, and Kennett Schools Bring STEM to Students

644 483 Stroud Water Research Center

The after-school program provided students with safe, structured, meaningful, and fun activities that promote learning and growth at no cost to the parents.

Pennsylvania Master Watershed Stewards

Meet the Master Watershed Stewards Who Are Saving Streams

640 480 Stroud Water Research Center

To help citizen scientists become better volunteer stream monitors, we’ve partnered with Penn State Extension’s Master Watershed Steward program.

New Entomologist Cuts Her Own Path

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

A year spent backpacking on the West Coast ignited a passion for fresh water in Maria Scarborough, the newest addition to our Entomology Group.

Joseph George on the Nisqually Glacier

Meet Joseph George: New Fluvial Geomorphology Staff Scientist

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

He’s excited to be working to further understanding of freshwater ecosystems and to improve these systems through research, education, and restoration.

Photo of Marc Peipoch and Jinjun Kan

Getting Slimed: Scientists Investigate Biofilms in Streams Amidst Climate Change

800 425 Stroud Water Research Center

Slippery, shiny, and available in varying shades of green, slime is the latest research interest of two Stroud Water Research Center scientists.