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Ruth Patrick in a stream holding clumps of aquatic plants.

UpStream Newsletter, October 2013

640 360 Stroud Water Research Center

Remembering Ruth Patrick: Ruth Patrick, Ph.D., a pioneer in environmental science and aquatic ecology and co-founder of the Stroud Center, died September 23, 2013 at 105 years old.

Cows fenced out of a stream.

UpStream Newsletter, June 2013

1024 831 Stroud Water Research Center

A Holistic Approach to Restoring Streams: Our Watershed Restoration Group has an ambitious goal — add forested buffers along the entire length of two streams over the next two years.

Cows standing in a stream.

A Holistic Approach to Restoring Streams

289 200 Stroud Water Research Center

The Watershed Restoration Group is building relationships with all of the farmers along two headwater tributaries to restore, protect, and monitor them.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Abandoned coal mine drainage and its remediation: impacts on stream ecosystem structure and function

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Bott, T.L., J.K. Jackson, M. McTammany, J.D. Newbold, S. Rier, B.W. Sweeney, and J. Battle. 2012. Ecological Applications 22:2144–2163.

The exterior of the Moorhead Environmental Complex at dusk.

UpStream Newsletter, Summer 2012

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The board of directors cut the ribbon on a new building for environmental education and public outreach that models sustainable practices for managing water.

University of Pennsylvania logo

Graduate Research Leading to a Degree from University of Pennsylvania

800 281 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center and the Department of Biology at the University of Pennsylvania announce opportunities for graduate research with adjunct Penn faculty at the Stroud Center.

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Seminar Series Investigates Laws Protecting Fresh Water

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Stroud Center scientist John K. Jackson, Ph.D., will explore whether environmental laws are protecting our streams and rivers.

Macroinvertebrate Assessment of Environmental Conditions in Four Tributaries on the Red Clay Reservation

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Stroud Water Research Center scientists sampled stream macroinvertebrates (i.e., primarily insects, crayfish, and worms) and baseflow water chemistry to assess stream condition as a cumulative measure of the effects of…

Water Quality Monitoring in White Clay Creek Watershed, 1991-2008

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Scientists combined data collected by the White Clay Creek Stream Watch Program (Pennsylvania and Delaware) and Stroud Water Research Center to provide an assessment of current conditions across 18 locations…

Algal and Macroinvertebrate Responses To Elevated Phosphorus Concentrations in Pennsylvania Streams

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This project took advantage of the unique facilities of Stroud Water Research Center as a field station with first-rate laboratory facilities in an Exceptional Value Watershed and the experience of…