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Publication title with image of a mayfly

Seasonal variation in land cover estimates reveals sensitivities and opportunities for environmental models

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Myers, D.T., D. Jones, D. Oviedo-Vargas, J.P. Schmit, D.L. Ficklin, and X. Zhang. 2024. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 28(23): 5295–5310.

Boulder Bridge in the fall at Rock Creek National Park.

Conserving National Park Streams

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center has been collaborating in the National Capital Region to support monitoring and analysis of park stream ecosystems.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Synergistic water quality and soil organic carbon sequestration benefits of winter cover crops

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Zhang X., Y. Wang, S. Lee, K. Liang, K. Zhao, G.W. McCarty, J.G. Alfieri, G.E. Moglen, W.D. Hively, D.T. Myers, D. Oviedo-Vargas, T.V. Nguyen, A.L. Hinson, L. Du, and X.X. Romeiko. 2024. Journal of Environmental Management 371: 123104.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Freshwater salinization: Saltier rivers are a growing concern

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Myers, D.T. 2024. National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.

Four members of the AGU Open Science Circle gathered at the annual meeting.

Stroud Center Presents New Research to World’s Largest Group of Earth and Space Scientists

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

We shared our work with the broader scientific community, were inspired by the work of others, and mentored the next generation of freshwater scientists.

Three people next to a replica of the Nancy Grace Roman space telescope at the Goddard Space Flight Center.

Looking Back at Earth and Its Fresh Water From Space

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

All-star community science volunteers visit Goddard Space Flight Center and learn what NASA satellite data reveals about threats to streams.

NASA DEVELOP logo and team member headshots.

Stroud Center and NASA Examine National Park Streams From Space

820 462 Stroud Water Research Center

Two science powerhouses are joining forces to discover water quality trends
in some of America’s favorite national parks.

Rachel Johnson, Dan Myers, and David Bressler at the“Empowering the Next Generation of Women Closing the Gender Gap" event.

The Secret to Getting More Women and Girls in STEM? Stroud Center Sponsors Group at STEM Gender Gap Event

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Women represent nearly half of the U.S. workforce but only 27% of STEM workers. The Stroud Center is aiming to change that in its area of influence: freshwater science.

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