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Float and Flow in the Brandywine

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

To measure how fast algae grow while they are floating downstream, Stroud Center scientists floated, along with the algae, for an afternoon in canoes.

Visiting Scientist Goes with the Flow

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Clara Mendoza-Lera’s research will investigate the burden that heavy storms and flooding, worsened by climate change, place on stream ecosystem health.

2019 Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting logo

Brown Bag Luncheon: Science Talks from 2019 SFS Conference

800 575 Stroud Water Research Center

Bring your lunch and join us for a review of our scientists’ presentations from the 2019 Society for Freshwater Science annual meeting in Salt Lake City.

2019 Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting logo

Sharing Our Science in Salt Lake City

800 575 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center scientists shared their work at the weeklong annual meeting of this premier international organization of aquatic scientists.

An Introduction to Tropical Stream Research

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center scientists introduced six board members to Maritza Biological Station and the importance of our water research in the tropics.

Cladophora algae magnified 10x.

Algae That Is Beneficial … Until It Isn’t

640 480 Stroud Water Research Center

When a stream’s normal ecosystem is disturbed, the growth of a normally beneficial species can explode and cause problems.

Photo of Marc Peipoch and Jinjun Kan

Getting Slimed: Scientists Investigate Biofilms in Streams Amidst Climate Change

800 425 Stroud Water Research Center

Slippery, shiny, and available in varying shades of green, slime is the latest research interest of two Stroud Water Research Center scientists.

Meet Marc Peipoch, New Principal Investigator

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

Peipoch’s goal is to lead a productive, inclusive, and interdisciplinary research team: “In its very nature, the discipline of ecosystem ecology is a nexus for multiple perspectives and areas of expertise, which when put together can really tell us how ecosystems work and respond.”

Trajectories of Biofilm Succession and Recovery

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

The recovery of biological communities after disturbance has always been at the core of ecology as a discipline. While much is known about how interactive effects of flow velocity and…