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A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Characterizing Stream Connections and Physical, Chemical, Biological Influences on Downstream Navigable Waters

1024 681 Stroud Water Research Center

Drs. Dow and Arscott provided scientific expert services for the U.S. Department of Justice in the matter of Foster et al. v. EPA et al., No. 2:12-cv-16744 (S.D.W.V.). The scope…

Peter Kjellerup and Bern Sweeney sorting aquatic macroinvertebrates as Bhutanese children watch.

Physical, Chemical, and Biological Assessment of Streams and Rivers in Bhutan and Bangladesh

290 290 Stroud Water Research Center

Scientists evaluated water quality using macroinvertebrate studies and real-time data from monitoring stations equipped with open source technology.

Threats and Opportunities in the Conservation of Native Pelagic Spawning Fishes in Kansas

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project documents how small dams have fragmented stream networks in the Central Great Plains region. Many fishes native to this region lay buoyant eggs that float downstream while developing.…

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Conservation Reserve Program mitigates grassland loss in the lesser prairie-chicken range of Kansas

1024 681 Stroud Water Research Center

Spencer, D., D. Haukos, C. Hage, M. Daniels, and D. Goodin. 2017. Global Ecology and Conservation 9:21–38.

Photo of cows standing in a stream

From Stream to Tap: Keeping Fresh Water Clean and Safe

725 470 Stroud Water Research Center

Water treatment facilities have procedures in place to make water safe for drinking. But the dirtier the water, the greater the cost to treat it.

Mayfly rearing syste.

Could Rising Temps Be Killing Mayflies, Threatening Streams? Scientists Investigate.

728 500 Stroud Water Research Center

When mayfly populations decline, it’s a warning that something has gone wrong. But what? Stroud Center scientists and their colleagues are investigating.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Variation of organic matter quantity and quality in streams at Critical Zone Observatory watersheds

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Miller, M.P., E.W. Boyer, D.M. McKnight, M.G. Brown, R.S. Gabor, C.T. Hunsaker, L. Iavorivska, S. Inamdar, D.W. Johnson, L.A. Kaplan, H. Lin, W.H. McDowell, and J.N. Perdrial. 2016. Water Resources Research 52(10):8202–8216.

White Clay Creek Stream Watch volunteers.

White Clay Creek Stream Watch Project

300 203 Stroud Water Research Center

The project evaluated water quality in White Clay Creek and its tributaries and encouraged efforts to assess, improve, and protect water quality in the watershed.

Two women and a man identifying aquatic insects at a workshop in Peru.

The Peru Project

300 225 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center applied its decades of experience to an integrated research and education project in headwaters of the Amazon.