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Road Salt

A close view of green-dyed road salt on a walking path in Fairfax County, Virginia.

Who Can You Trust? Stroud Center Scientist Testifies on Threats of Road Salt to Fresh Water

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The invitation came on the heels of the Stroud Center sharing data with the Philadelphia Inquirer underlining the gravity of the road salt crisis as it affects clean fresh water.

A metal scoop full of road salt being sprinkled on pavement.

Over-Seasoned: Our Taste for Salt is Killing Our Freshwater Ecosystems

820 547 Stroud Water Research Center

The intense use of salt is now threatening our streams and rivers, marshes and ponds, and even groundwater — freshwater resources that were never meant to be so salty.

A large red vehicle spreads salt on a road surrounded by snowy fields.

Smart Talk About Road Salt

780 520 Stroud Water Research Center

Join the conversation as WITF “Smart Talk” host Scott LaMar talks with Senior Research Scientist John Jackson, Ph.D., about the trouble with road salt.

A deicer truck spreading brine on an Oregon highway.

The Trouble With Road Salt

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Take a look at the effects of road salt on our streams and rivers and learn how volunteers and organizations are working to monitor what’s happening to their freshwater resources.

David Bressler providing C-SAW technical assistance to volunteers of the Silver Lake Nature Center.

A Watershed of Curiosity

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Not everyone has the opportunity to become a professional scientist, but a great scientist can come from anywhere. Anyone can be a part of science.

Salt in the Water: Action on the Ground

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

This webinar introduces viewers to how excessive salt affects life in freshwater streams and how a local group is raising awareness and changing behavior.

Graph of conductivity rise in Brandywine Creek from salt load washing.

Clean Water Webinar: Salt in the Water, Action on the Ground

1024 614 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn how excessive salt affects life in freshwater streams and how a local community group is raising awareness and changing behavior around salt.

Video still from Episode 5 of the WHYY "Stories From the Streams" video series

Stories From the Streams: Salty Streams

838 473 Stroud Water Research Center

How salty is too salty? Road salt keeps travelers safe in winter but can pose a serious threat to nearby streams. Episode 5 in the “Stories from the Streams” series from WHYY TV12.

Black and white photograph of a car near an icy road

Salting for Safety is Taking a Toll

800 533 Stroud Water Research Center

In some areas, salt is necessary for safe winter driving and walking. But we have to decide how much is too much and what price we are paying for it.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Temperature affects acute mayfly responses to elevated salinity: implications for toxicity of road de-icing salts

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Jackson, J.K., and D.H. Funk. 2018. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 374(1764).