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Road Salt

Graphs showing conductivity trends in streams in winter and summer

EnviroDIY Sensors Track Road Salt Levels in Streams

980 576 Stroud Water Research Center

During thaws and rain events, road salt is carried into streams where it can have chronic and sometimes acute effects on biological communities.

Salt truck applying road salt on city streets.

Salty Roads, Salty Rivers

400 300 Stroud Water Research Center

Salt helps keep winter roads safe. But when snow melts, the salt runs off pavement and can end up in waterways.

Graph of conductivity rise in Brandywine Creek from salt load washing.

Freshwater Sources Less “Fresh” from Greater Salt Use, Scientists Say

1024 614 Stroud Water Research Center

Fresh groundwater, where some drinking water comes from, recharges streams. Scientists are concerned about early signs that groundwater sources are getting saltier.