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Trekkers resting in rowboat

Mountaintop to Tap Five Years Out: In Their Own Words

640 360 Stroud Water Research Center

A look at the impact of the trek that followed the route of New York City’s water from its sources in the Catskill Mountains to the center of Manhattan.

Rafa Morales, station manager at Maritza Biological Station in Costa Rica, with Jamie Blaine, author.

UpStream Newsletter, Fall 2012

350 279 Stroud Water Research Center

Talking About Rafa –Maritza’s Manager In Words and Pictures: Rafa Morales was hired to collect macroinvertebrates at Maritza Biological Station in Costa Rica. A year later, he was in charge of the station itself.

Brandywine Trekkers perform a water chemistry test wearing protective gear.

Brandywine Trek 2011

600 450 Stroud Water Research Center

ON JUNE 14TH, 2011, eight high school students set off on an adventure that was the first of its kind. Their journey took them from the headwaters of the Brandywine…

Brandywine Trek students at orientation.

Brandywine Trek Helps Students Spur Freshwater Stewardship

600 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The trek educates students about the importance of the Brandywine River and fosters understanding of the need to implement good stewardship practices.

Brandywine Trek students carrying a canoe.

Coatesville Students Prepare for Brandywine Trek

600 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Students will learn skills they will need this summer when they will embark on a weeklong journey, by foot and canoe, down the Brandywine River.

Schuylkill Sojourn Gives Paddlers a Glimpse into the World Below Their Kayaks

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Sojourners will be joined by scientists from the Stroud Center, who will give presentations about the river environment at lunch and evening stops.

Mountaintop to Tap Photography and Journal Exhibit

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

The Mountaintop to Tap exhibit, which records the three-week trek of a diverse group of high school students who traced New York City’s drinking water supply from its headwaters in the Catskill Mountains to Central Park, was on display at the Catskill Center for Conservation and Development’s Erpf Gallery, the Queens Museum of Art and the Sidney Public Library.

UpStream Newsletter, Spring 2008

559 295 Stroud Water Research Center

A documentary film chronicles how students rowed, paddled, and across the watersheds that provide nine million New Yorkers with drinking water.

Following New York City’s Drinking Water from Source to Tap

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

High school students from the New York Harbor School in Brooklyn and Sidney High School in Delaware County embarked on a “Mountaintop to Tap” trek.

Sunset over Río Madre de Dios, Peru.

UpStream Newsletter, Spring 2007

266 200 Stroud Water Research Center

Last summer, Stroud Center scientists and educators traveled to Peru and sampled 31 stream and river sites that ranged from pristine to severely polluted.