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Winter Salt Week

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Join us or one of our partner organizations virtually or in person to learn how road salt impacts local waterways.

A group of Exelon volunteers lean against a Stroud Center truck at a tree planting event.

Enhancing Ecosystems Through Community Efforts

800 370 Stroud Water Research Center

Volunteers from Exelon, Wilmington Trust/M&T Bank, and Dansko joined us for tree plantings and maintenance at New Bolton Center. We appreciate their support!

A streamside forest and native plant garden take root at Overlook Community Campus.

Transforming Local Parks to Enhance Fresh Water

1024 576 Stroud Water Research Center

A streamside forest project in Lancaster, Pa., inspires sustainable initiatives for a cleaner Chesapeake Bay.

Four women smile while holding tree cages at a tree planting event.

Earth Week Volunteers Help Restore Red Clay Creek

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Thanks to the volunteers from Constellation Energy, Dansko, LINKBANK, Resolution Life, Charter School of Wilmington, and the community who made the day a success!

A woman plants a native shrub in a streamside forest planting.

[CANCELED] Oregon Dairy Volunteer Day

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

This event has been canceled because Route 30 is being shut down for bridge construction and local officials are urging drivers to avoid the area all weekend.

Volunteers staking native trees in Overlook Park

Cultivating Stewardship of Our Shared Waters

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Brian Preston shares how people in a popular local park are discovering how a streamside forest and pollinator garden can be beautiful and good for clean water.

Tom Best smiles as he stands in a young riparian buffer.

Caring for Trees

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Tom Best doesn’t own the young streamside forest he maintains each day. It’s an act of service motivated by a parental feeling toward the woods.

Three people identifying live aquatic macroinvertebrates.

Earning a “Master’s” in Watershed Stewardship

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

How Penn State Extension launched one of the most successful volunteer training programs in the U.S. and revived struggling local watershed groups.

Volunteers at the Darby Creek salt snapshot.

We, the Community Scientists

1024 576 Stroud Water Research Center

People in the Delaware River Watershed are joining forces and collecting data to protect the vital freshwater resources that sustain their communities.

A group of tree planting volunteers from Sycamore.

Volunteers Plant 600 Trees for Healthy Streams

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The trees were planted along a tributary of Brandywine Creek in Birmingham Township, Pennsylvania, in a project funded by American Water.