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Watershed Restoration

Free Farmer Workshop at Oley Fairgrounds

491 311 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn how you can improve your farming operation while protecting clean water! Topics will include conservation practices, technical assistance, and funding opportunities. Free lunch is included!

Free Farmer Workshop at Bernville Grange

491 311 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn how you can improve your farming operation while protecting clean water! Topics will include conservation practices, technical assistance, and funding opportunities. Free lunch is included!

Free Farmer Workshop at Fleetwood Grange

491 311 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn how you can improve your farming operation while protecting clean water! Topics will include conservation practices, technical assistance, and funding opportunities. Free lunch is included!

Deep purple fruit on an elderberry bush.

Berries and Nuts: a Different Approach to Riparian Buffers

640 427 Stroud Water Research Center

Planting trees and shrubs on streamside crop land improves water quality. What if you could plant a buffer that would protect a stream and yield a crop?

Restoring Flood Attenuation and Ecological Resiliency in the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

For this project, scientists and watershed restoration professionals restore one headwater basin to reduce flooding downstream, improve water quality, and increase stream-ecosystem resilience so that it will once again support…

Improving Stream Water Quality and Reducing Runoff by Improving Farm Soil Health Through Permanent Cover Cropping

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Scientists are studying how soil structure and soil ecosystem health improve farm fields over a three-year period after shifting from conventional tillage practices to cover cropping. They are also measuring…

Water-Quality Monitoring at Fair Hill Training Center

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Scientists are monitoring fecal indicator bacteria, sediment, and water chemistry from the barns at the Fair Hill Training Center. Based on the data collected, the scientists and restoration team will…

Transforming Water Quality in the White Clay Creek Headwaters of Christina River Basin

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This Watershed Renaissance Initiative grant will enable Stroud Water Research Center to implement extensive watershed restoration projects designed to capture and control excess water and sediment production from agricultural hillslopes.…

Experimental Streamside Forest Restoration to Improve Water Quality – Ranch at Doe Run

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project involved an experimental planting of 900 trees and shelters on 2.75 acres of riparian land along a headwater tributary of the Brandywine Creek in East Fallowfield Township, Pennsylvania.…

Cheese Proceeds to Fund Clean Water

1000 750 Stroud Water Research Center

Cheese lovers have a new reason to celebrate this holiday season: The Farm at Doe Run has a new cheese that supports clean fresh water around the world.