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Watershed Restoration

A newly planted buffer in 2017

Forested Buffers Training for Conservation Professionals

720 405 Stroud Water Research Center

Dive into the fascinating world of stream ecology and learn about the importance of riparian forest buffers.

Native trees with tree shelters in a young streamside buffer with a barn in the distance.

Forested Buffers Training for Conservation Professionals

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Dive into the fascinating world of stream ecology and learn about the importance of riparian forest buffers.

A hummingbird moth sips nectar from a bee balm flower.

Building Natural Habitats with Native Plants

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Believe it or not, spring is right around the corner! Join Stroud Water Research Center’s experts for a presentation about how to plan for spring.

Amanda Garzio-Adzick and Heather Titanich stand near a new riparian buffer.

Scaling Up Outreach for Cleaner, Healthier Waterways

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

New team members will help farmers and landowners adopt stream-friendly practices and access climate-smart incentives for reducing water pollution.

An aerial view of cover crops by Edwin Remsberg and USDA-SARE.

Amazon Web Services Supports Watershed Restoration on Farms Outside Washington, D.C.

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center’s science-based approach to protecting fresh water will soon make an impact on farms near D.C., aiming to recharge about 67 million gallons of clean water per year.

Volunteers staking native trees in Overlook Park

Cultivating Stewardship of Our Shared Waters

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Brian Preston shares how people in a popular local park are discovering how a streamside forest and pollinator garden can be beautiful and good for clean water.

Max Stoner and Don Ace in the community garden at their retirement community.

Learning Something New Never Gets Old

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

At ages 100 and 80, two retirees plant their first cover crop and build soil health in their retirement community garden.

Young riparian buffer in Franklin Township, Pa.

Matthew Ehrhart of the Stroud Center Testifies at Pa. House Committee Hearing on Streamside Forests Bill

640 480 Stroud Water Research Center

Ehrhart’s testimony focused on what Stroud Center scientists have learned about the impact trees can have on water quality, wildlife habitat, and flood reduction.

A drone spreading soybean seeds that will grow into a cover crop.

Farming With Drones?

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Farmers joined us for a demonstration of a drone spreading soybean seeds for a cover crop that builds soil health and protects water quality.

Amanda Garzio-Hadzick

Amanda Garzio-Hadzick

500 500 Stroud Water Research Center

Watershed Restoration Specialist