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Watershed Restoration

Water professionals on the Christina Basin Task Force annual bus tour.

Sharing Our Knowledge of Watershed Restoration

1024 768 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center partnered with volunteers for two tree plantings, spread the word about agroforestry, and helped water professionals learn about soil health and water quality.

The Power of Water at Longwood Gardens

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Join John Jackson, Ph.D., and Matthew Ehrhart for an eye-opening discussion on the importance of water in our landscapes, our regions, and beyond.

Still from a how to apply stone mulch video.

How to Apply Stone Mulch to Protect Sheltered Trees From Rodents

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Trials comparing the use of stone mulch versus herbicides for rodent control around young trees suggest that stone is a superior mulch material and that tree survival rates are comparable between the two methods.

Still from a how to plant a tree in a buffer video.

How to Plant a Small Containerized Seedling in a Riparian Forest Buffer

800 451 Stroud Water Research Center

Watch step-by-step instructions on how to plant a tree in a riparian forest buffer and protect it from deer, rodents, and flood damage to increase survivability.

Stone mulch at the base of a sheltered tree, protecting it from rodent damage.

Stone Rivals Herbicides as New Method to Protect Baby Trees From Rodents

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

During the first five years of growth, young trees need to be protected from chewing — from deer above and rodents below.

Cover crop coach Steve Groff shows what is left of cotton underwear after being buried for 60 days.

Dirt Diaries: Soil Health Campaign Drives Underwear Digs Across Pennsylvania

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

For the past two months, the soil life — worms, small insects, bacteria, fungi — has been chomping away at the 100% cotton underwear.

Delaware River Watershed Initiative — Phase II Monitoring, Evaluation, Scientific Support, and Capacity Building for Watershed Protection and Restoration Projects

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project collects and interprets data on macroinvertebrate specimens from stream sites to provide a baseline for the evaluation of goals defined for restoration and protection projects funded by the…

Delaware River Watershed Initiative — Phase II Monitoring, Evaluation, and Scientific Support for Protecting and Restoring Places of Ecological Significance (Brandywine-Christina, Middle Schuylkill, Schuylkill Highlands Clusters)

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Professional and volunteer monitoring of chemistry, macroinvertebrates, and fish to support restoration and protection efforts represent an invaluable (and often neglected) tool to evaluate short- and long-term progress toward conservation…

Delaware River Watershed Initiative Circuit Rider for Technical Assistance to Grantees

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project provides technical assistance to grantees of the William Penn Foundation and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to develop and implement watershed restoration efforts and grants to monitor the impact of projects implemented in the Delaware River Watershed Initiative clusters.

Delaware River Watershed Initiative Community Science Phase II

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project engages watershed residents to be active participants in efforts to document conditions across the focus areas of the Delaware River Watershed Initiative. Work includes efforts to support monitoring,…