
Give the Best Gift on Earth: Fresh Water

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center
A red box with holiday ornaments, and a glass of water in the middle.

Clean drinking water, good health, plentiful trout, productive soil, the simple joys of swimming, boating, fishing — our healthy freshwater ecosystems make these and so many other things possible. 

This holiday season, we invite you to give the best gift on earth: fresh water!

You can take pride in knowing that you are supporting pioneering, world-renowned freshwater research, environmental education, and watershed restoration.

Your donations are put to good use. Stroud Water Research Center’s strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency have earned us GuideStar’s highest ranking, the Platinum Transparency Seal. 

And with the support of our friends and partners, this year we received GreatNonprofit’s Top Rated status, thanks to these heartwarming stories!

2021 GuideStar Platinum Transparency Seal
2021 Top-Rated Nonprofit badge.

Last but not least, in case you missed it, we want to make sure you see this special thank you video from Executive Director Dave Arscott, on behalf of all of us at the Stroud Center. 

We appreciate you. Happy holidays!

Your friends at the Stroud Center