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Stroud Center

Scout Watershed STEM Education, Recreation, and Stewardship Programs and Educator Professional Development

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Educators engage Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts USA, and adult educators in a series of watershed STEM experiences, including canoeing, recreation, and stewardship programs.Funded by: National Park TrustProject Leads:…

West Chester Area School District Water Quality Education Center

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Educators and restoration staff provided assistance for establishing three outdoor learning stations with interpretive signs, teacher professional development, watershed education curricula, and restoration projects at elementary and middle school properties…

Virtual Learning Resources

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

In response to COVID-19 emergency learning conditions, educators created and delivered new and modified watershed education resources for use in nearby nature and in virtual learning settings, both the coronavirus…

Delaware River Watershed Initiative Circuit Rider for Technical Assistance to Grantees

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project provides technical assistance to grantees of the William Penn Foundation and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to develop and implement watershed restoration efforts and grants to monitor the impact of projects implemented in the Delaware River Watershed Initiative clusters.

Delaware River Watershed Initiative Community Science Phase II

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project engages watershed residents to be active participants in efforts to document conditions across the focus areas of the Delaware River Watershed Initiative. Work includes efforts to support monitoring,…

Delaware River Watershed Initiative Phase II Work in Focus Areas

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This funding supports the Stroud Center’s Robin L. Vannote Watershed Restoration Program to participate in the Delaware River Watershed Initiative’s focus areas within the Brandywine-Christina, Middle Schuylkill, and Schuylkill Highlands…

Delaware River Watershed Initiative Rodale/Stroud Water Research Center Collaboration

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project enables a collaboration with Rodale Institute to advance knowledge on soil health and impacts on water quality, including a comparison of till, no-till, and organic-based cropping systems. Related…

Modeling Land Protection Impact Assessment for the Open Space Institute

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project uses Model My Watershed to communicate the value of forest protection by estimating its impact on water quality.Funded by: Open Space Institute and William Penn FoundationProject Lead: David…

Partnering for Accelerated Agricultural Best Management Practices in South Central Pennsylvania

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project supports the Stroud Center’s continuing efforts on soil health, particularly for outreach and education on cover crops and no-till farming. It also installs conservation practices on farms to…

Soil Health and Stream Health for Red and White Clay Creeks

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project engages two farmers to implement more than 1,000 acres of cover crops, conduct trials of eight or more innovative methods to advance cover crop and no-till techniques, and…