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Stroud Center

Photo of a farm with a large muddy area with cattle.

A Small Farm Offers Big Opportunities for Measuring Watershed Restoration Success

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Stream restorations rarely get monitored rigorously enough to determine if the “patient” has fully recovered.

Photo of two young students wearing face masks while performing a water chemistry test.

Student Voices Return to Stroud Water Research Center During COVID-19 Education Programming

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Our educators have returned to something they do very well: delivering high-quality outdoor education programming that is both safe and meaningful for participants.

Video still showing a backyard vegetable garden.

Better Gardens, Better Soils: Improve Water Quality and Soil Health in Your Backyard

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

With a little bit of knowledge and prep work in the off season, you can just plant and harvest. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Transcriptomic and life history responses of the mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer to chronic diel thermal challenge

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Hsuan C., D.D. Jima, D.H. Funk, J.K. Jackson, B.W. Sweeney, and D.B. Buchwalter. 2020. Nature Scientific Reports 10:19119.

Video still showing a webinar speaker against background image with the American Rivers logo.

From Cities to Suburbs to Farms: How Innovative Water Management Helps River Health

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn from a panel of experts how natural and green infrastructure are paying off for the health of the Delaware River.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Distinct distribution of Archaea from soil to freshwater to estuary: implications of archaeal composition and function in different environments

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Wang, H., R.L. Bier, L. Zgleszewski, M. Peipoch, E. Omondi, A. Mukherjee, F. Chen, C. Zhang, and J. Kan. 2020. Frontier in Microbiology 11:576661.

Teachers collecting aquatic macroinvertebrates at a workshop.

Pennsylvania Watershed Education Task Force Honored with 2020 Outstanding Environmental Education Program Award and Second NOAA B-WET Grant

800 533 Stroud Water Research Center

The task force is advancing statewide environmental literacy and meaningful watershed education for K-12 students and educators.

Restoring the River Continuum Community

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

We’re working with partners and land users to implement natural solutions to regenerate soils and safeguard fresh water, solutions that benefit both human communities and the entire ecosystem.

Mimicking Nature to Manage Water On-Site

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Watch a roundtable discussion among the designers, engineers, and client about “getting the water right” at Stroud Water Research Center’s Moorhead Environmental Complex.

Leaf Pack Network Adds Hands-On Experience to Virtual Learning

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

A Canadian university is making sure students get fieldwork experience despite the pandemic — by mailing them freshwater field kits to use at home.