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Stroud Center

Photo of Tim Palmer canoeing on a river

Award-Winning Author to Speak on Wild and Scenic Rivers

798 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Join acclaimed photographer and author Tim Palmer as he inspires the audience with his stories and photos in celebration of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Agricultural policy and practice in the Chesapeake and Delaware Watersheds

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Ehrhart, M. and J. Jackson. 2018. Water Resources Impact 20(5):22-23.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Basinwide programs in the Chesapeake and Delaware: similar nature, distinct strategies

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Freedman, P., M. Ehrhart, and K. Hall. 2018. Water Resources Impact 20(5):14–16.

Photo of Marc Peipoch and Jinjun Kan

Getting Slimed: Scientists Investigate Biofilms in Streams Amidst Climate Change

800 425 Stroud Water Research Center

Slippery, shiny, and available in varying shades of green, slime is the latest research interest of two Stroud Water Research Center scientists.

Mandy Nix sorting specimens while sitting on a rock in a stream

Meet Mandy Nix: New Watershed Education Specialist

800 425 Stroud Water Research Center

Her personal mission is to foster hands-on freshwater science education that teaches us about ourselves as well as our backyard water resources.

Cows fenced out of a stream.

Good Fences Make Good Water

1024 831 Stroud Water Research Center

Cows wading in a stream might make a pretty picture but the reality is a lot less pleasant. Find out why in this 1-minute podcast featuring Jinjun Kan, Ph.D.

Teachers using the Water Quality mobile app

Training the Teachers of Today to Educate the Stewards of Tomorrow

799 425 Stroud Water Research Center

The outdoors were the setting for a boots-in-the-water workshop to advance professional development for non-formal educators and classroom teachers alike.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Understanding how microbiomes influence the systems they inhabit

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Hall E.K., E.S. Bernhardt, R.L. Bier, M.A. Bradford, C.M. Boot, J.B. Cotner, P.A. del Giorgio, S.E. Evans, E.B. Graham, S.E. Jones, J.T. Lennon, K. Locey, D.R. Nemergut, B.B. Osborne, J.D. Rocca, J.P. Schimel, M.P. Waldrop, M.D. Wallenstein. 2018. Nature Microbiology 3:977–982.

Photo of Joseph (Joey) George

Joseph George

800 800 Stroud Water Research Center

Staff Scientist