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Stroud Center

Nature’s Engineers: Beavers Provide Benefits to Streams

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

“Before European colonization, beavers would have been ubiquitous across the northern United States Great Lakes region,” explains Melinda Daniels, Associate Research Scientist and Principal Investigator of the Fluvial Geomorphology Group.

Screenshot from Model My Watershed release 1.18.

Have You Used Our WikiWatershed Toolkit?

800 800 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center’s WikiWatershed initiative is a web toolkit designed to help citizens, conservation practitioners, municipal decision-makers, researchers, educators, and students advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water. The toolkit…

Educators Go “Virtual” After Hurricane Cancels Conference

450 300 Stroud Water Research Center

Hurricane Maria forced the North American Association of Environmental Education to cancel its annual conference. After reaching out to support their Puerto Rican partners, they then organized a “virtual conference” to share highlights of what had been planned.

DNB First Renews Its EITC Support

800 535 Stroud Water Research Center

DNB First’s support will allow the Stroud Center to make its school programs, field trips, and professional development workshops available at no or reduced cost to public school districts whose budgets might not otherwise be able to offer the innovative educational programs in support of their regular curricula.

Restoring Flood Attenuation and Ecological Resiliency in the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

For this project, scientists and watershed restoration professionals restore one headwater basin to reduce flooding downstream, improve water quality, and increase stream-ecosystem resilience so that it will once again support…

Parthenogenesis (Virgin Reproduction), Hybridization, and Life History Plasticity in Mayflies

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Scientists are studying a number of mayfly species in White Clay Creek as well as in streams throughout eastern North America to better understand virgin reproduction and hybridization in mayflies,…

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Evaluating Potential Impacts on Groundwater of Passive Composting of Spent Mushroom Substrate According to Best Practices Guidelines

1024 681 Stroud Water Research Center

By installing monitoring wells for groundwater, soil-water samplers, and probes to measure the conductivity in soil and groundwater, researchers are testing whether Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection guidelines for passive…

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Sediment Stabilization by Animals in Stream Ecosystems: Consequences for Erosion, Ecosystem Processes, and Biodiversity

1024 681 Stroud Water Research Center

Like underwater engineers, caddisflies and other net-spinning macroinvertebrates attach gravels to one another on the bottom of streams in a way that stabilizes the stream bed and reduces erosion. Using…

Improving Stream Water Quality and Reducing Runoff by Improving Farm Soil Health Through Permanent Cover Cropping

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Scientists are studying how soil structure and soil ecosystem health improve farm fields over a three-year period after shifting from conventional tillage practices to cover cropping. They are also measuring…