Education News
Spanish-Language Leaf Pack Experiment Kit: Fall Workshop Will Kick Off Pilot Program
Being able to reach out to 500 million Spanish speakers around the world will do a lot to promote a freshwater stewardship movement across many borders.
Following New York City’s Drinking Water from Source to Tap
High school students from the New York Harbor School in Brooklyn and Sidney High School in Delaware County embarked on a “Mountaintop to Tap” trek.
First National Bank of Chester County Contributes $5,000 for Educational Programs
The funding helps provide teacher workshops and student programs to regional school districts who might not otherwise be able to offer them.
Journey to Peru
An account of three weeks in the Amazon headwaters, studying the Madre de Dios River and its tributaries under a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
UpStream Newsletter, Spring 2007
Last summer, Stroud Center scientists and educators traveled to Peru and sampled 31 stream and river sites that ranged from pristine to severely polluted.
Stroud Water Research Center Names New Education Director
Dr. Gill's mission is to expand educational programs and attract new audiences while “making science accessible in a way that maintains its integrity.”