$1 Million Challenge Match Grant Generously Sponsored by Rod and Alice Moorhead
To Benefit the Bernard W. Sweeney, Ph.D., Executive Director’s Fund
Please partner with us to secure the $1 million challenge grant with a gift that will be matched dollar for dollar thanks to the generosity of Rod and Alice.
We have been gathering support for the Bernard W. Sweeney, Ph.D., Executive Director’s Fund to implement new strategies to share our findings with peers in the scientific and educational communities and with businesses, landowners, policymakers, and individuals to help make informed decisions affecting global water quality and availability.

Advance Strategic Initiatives in Research, Education, and Watershed Restoration
While traditional research grants keep Stroud Water Research Center at the cutting edge of freshwater science, being a global leader in our field takes more financial agility and foresight than grant funding provides. The fund provides the executive director discretionary resources to advance strategic internal initiatives that may have narrow windows of opportunity for achieving high returns on investment in research, education, and watershed restoration.
Meeting the $1 million challenge match grant for the Bernard W. Sweeney, Ph.D., Executive Director’s Fund with an overall institutional goal of $5 million will ensure the Stroud Center retains global leadership in the rapidly advancing world of freshwater science.

Your Support Will Make a Difference
For more than 50 years, the Stroud Center has focused on one thing — clean fresh water — and we know that is only possible because of our friends. Your support will make a difference throughout our community, and a gift to this fund will provide an impact to our future endeavors to protect fresh water.
Help Us Meet and Exceed This $1 Million Goal!
Please make a gift online or contact Director of Development Jessica Provinski with any questions about making a gift or a multi-year pledge. Naming opportunities are available for leadership gifts. Please inquire for more details.